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Poetry from the PTSD Mind
As a suffer from Military PTSD from my service in the British army 1979 – 1989. I have undergone treatment from the fantastic people at Combat Stress. I found myself reading some great poetry from Ex-Forces personal who have gone through events ordinary people could not imagine.
The Poems describe me and the way I face PTSD anyone who has suffered from Military PTSD can easily connect with the poems as it is the way most see the world daily.
The book aims at suffers from Military PTSD no matter what you've been through; you're not alone. There is help out there for you, so don't suffer in silence.
As a Thank, you Combat Stress that look after Veterans Mental Health we are donating a percentage of all book sales to them. As part of my recovery,
I have put together what can loosely be described as poetry. Please enjoy the collection as we take you on a journey from our darkest hour to the light at the end of the tunnel.